The Original Family Bed - 10ft and 12ft Wide

Get Better Sleep in Your Active Home

Many of us have busy schedules that include going to work, caring for the house, and spending time with family, and that's before we even consider attempting to fit in personal hobbies. Despite the challenges of our daily schedules, many of us are still able to unwind and, perhaps, reduce some of the stress. Getting […]
Paul Chastain
December 1, 2022

Many of us have busy schedules that include going to work, caring for the house, and spending time with family, and that's before we even consider attempting to fit in personal hobbies. Despite the challenges of our daily schedules, many of us are still able to unwind and, perhaps, reduce some of the stress. Getting a better sleep at the end of a long, challenging day is a necessary component of that recharge. Unfortunately, some people simply can't get enough sleep, especially in a home with so much activity.

It can be rather simple to picture what a household with several children could look like for those of us who haven't been there ourselves as each child has their own activities and requirements. Or maybe just a house full of people living their own separate lives in close quarters. As you can understand, it can occasionally be challenging to get adequate sleep at night, particularly when living in such a busy family, especially when adding in all the other daily stressors of life.

In light of this, here are a few suggestions to help you sleep better in a busy house.


1. Purchase noise-canceling headphones or earplugs.

Sometimes all you need is a quick nap to recharge to get through the day, but that could be challenging in a home where there is frequently a lot of commotion or activity going on. You might want to spend money on a good set of noise-canceling earplugs or headphones if you consistently struggle to get enough sleep because there is a lot of noise or distraction going on. Thankfully, there are a ton of items like this on the market that are designed specifically to solve this issue!

2. If you do sleep, sleep well.

Even while there is nothing wrong with taking a nap in the middle of the day, there are some guidelines that professionals advise using in order to optimize the benefits and reduce the negative effects on the quality of your later sleep. Thus, it is better to nap before 3 p.m. if you intend to do so. Any later and you run the danger of not getting enough sleep later, which would negate any advantage.

Furthermore, according to a study, naps should last 30 minutes or fewer to be most beneficial. This will prevent you from entering the sleep cycle too deeply and will also guarantee that you get enough restful sleep for when it is time to go to bed.


3. Establish a comfortable sleeping space.

Making sure you are going to bed in a suitable sleeping environment is a part of having better sleep. one that encourages a sound night's sleep. A dark room with little to no light is typically part of a healthy sleep environment since it signals to the body that it is time to sleep.

Consider investing in blackout drapes to prevent any light from entering the space. Consider purchasing a sleep mask to protect your eyes as well. A temperature that is not too hot is another aspect of a comfortable sleeping environment. Before you go to bed, try lowering the thermostat by one or two degrees. The majority of specialists concur that a temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit is best for sleeping.

4. Pick the appropriate mattress and bedding.

The appropriate mattress is crucial to getting enough good sleep at night. It may be time to purchase a new mattress if you frequently wake up during the night from tossing and turning. Every seven to ten years, the average American replaces their mattress. It's also possible that you selected the incorrect mattress for your needs. If you think your mattress is contributing to your lack of sleep, check out our selection of luxurious and cozy mattresses. Remember that pillows are important as well!

5. Establish a nightly schedule

Making a nightly routine is another suggestion that could aid in improving your ability to sleep in a busy home. Even if you have kids, this can sometimes still useful with a little consistency. In actuality, the majority of kids grow to adore their bedtime ritual. This might entail having dinner, finishing your homework, spending time with your family, taking a bath, and reading a book. Or you could even have a personal schedule that you follow after the kids have gone to bed. While listening to music, you can read a few pages of your preferred book or sip tea. The most crucial aspect of the evening routine is that it teaches your body and brain when it is time to sleep.


6. Get additional sunlight.

You can improve your quality of sleep at night by simply spending more time outside and soaking up the sun. The body has a circadian cycle, and absence of sunshine can significantly affect how well we sleep. In order to maintain the body's natural rhythm, try to receive at least 30 minutes of daylight in the morning and dim the lights at night. The fact that having more sunlight can also make you happier doesn't hurt either!

7. Put away electronics before going to bed.

Numerous studies indicate that the amount of time spent observing artificial light before bed can have a significant impact on the type and amount of sleep we experience at night. This entails shutting off all electronics—including phones, TVs, computers, laptops, tablets, and gaming consoles—at least 30 minutes before going to bed. This is due to the fact that the light emitted by electronic screens keeps the brain attentive and active.

These are only a few suggestions, but they can all be used to improve sleep for everyone. Being aware of the value of obtaining enough sleep in a busy household is essential for most American families. Because of this, we take great pride in offering you and your family the perfect bed to spend time together and have plenty of room to get a quiet, restful sleep!


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