The Original Family Bed - 10ft and 12ft Wide

Be Sure to Include a New Mattress in Your Bedroom Remodel

In this article, we'll offer some helpful advice for you if you're considering making some much needed updates to your bedroom. Setting your expectations at the outset of any makeover is one of the most crucial phases. Many remodels take longer than anticipated, but this might be for the best. Unexpected setbacks might be irritating, […]

In this article, we'll offer some helpful advice for you if you're considering making some much needed updates to your bedroom. Setting your expectations at the outset of any makeover is one of the most crucial phases. Many remodels take longer than anticipated, but this might be for the best.

Unexpected setbacks might be irritating, but they can also buy you some time so you can think twice about some of your decisions. You might wish to take more risks in some areas while taking less risks in others. The more advance planning you can do, the better. Spend enough time on the route to appreciate it.

When it comes to your bedroom, size matters.

It's becoming more and more fashionable to designate a space within the four walls of a bedroom as a haven of comfort and relaxation. Larger bedrooms make this much easier to do. The issue here is that physically enlarging your bedroom by building an addition can be very expensive and time-consuming.


Many individuals opt for the less ideal option and knock down the wall dividing the neighboring bedroom to make the master bedroom more bigger. By the way, if you ever consider relocating, the current real estate sales fad is to swap out the phrases "master bedroom" with "main suite." How elegant!

Improve the mood in your bedroom.

The mood of a space is significantly influenced by the lighting. You've undoubtedly already observed this in some of the more recent airplane cabins and some of the automobiles, which make use of various hues, levels of brightness, and positioning to improve the ambience of the interior.

One of the most affordable adjustments you can make to your bedroom is to adopt a new, more tasteful approach to your lighting. Replace your existing lightbulbs with full-spectrum, phone app-controlled smart bulbs to get started. The fact that these lights can be dimmed can help you save the effort and money of installing dimmer switches.

Remember to close the windows.

Regardless of what you like for your windows, please choose a method for regulating the quantity of light that enters. If you have indoor plants in your bedroom, it's especially beneficial to let daylight in during the day. But when you're sleeping at night, you'll want to keep it dark.

It's simple to overlook the fact that keeping your bedroom sufficiently dark will improve both the quality and quantity of your sleep. You can purchase blackout cellular blinds at extremely affordable costs almost anyplace if your windows are a common size. Here are a few techniques for covering a window.


Floors, accent walls, and walls

The flooring of your choosing or brand-new wood flooring are excellent options for remodeling bedrooms. Regardless of your taste for flooring, remember to take it into consideration when choosing the overall color scheme you're aiming for, along with the walls and any accent walls you have in mind.

Compare your aesthetic preferences to the current color trend.

It wasn't always the case that pink was the color for girls and blue was the color for guys. Baby boys used to be clothed in pink, which was seen as a highly manly hue in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And the much more feminine color, blue, was used to decorate baby boys.

Then, everything was different. Color trends have a lot to do with culture. The physiological effects of some colors, on the other hand, tend to be constant. Any hue may be found in a number of tones, so it can be fascinating for you to compare your tastes with current fashions. Create the walk-in closet of your dreams.

Many individuals choose to go for a walk-in closet instead of expanding their bedrooms. You could be in for some shocks if you haven't given a walk-in closet any attention in a while. There are now shelves, cabinets, and creative storage solutions that magically arrange all of your necessities.

Here are the newest walk-in closets. If you like to do some DIY projects, you may even see what's available in a Swedish furniture store nearby.

The most crucial component of the most crucial space

Getting sufficient amounts of good quality sleep is one of the most important factors in leading a happy and healthy life. And for many individuals, a new mattress is necessary. In the past few years, the mattress industry has seen a wave of new technology, new materials, and new construction techniques introduced.

Even mattress sizes have changed. The biggest mattress available for the longest period was the regular king size. Then, the renowned California King then appeared. The biggest mattresses available now, The Family Bed by Taylor & Wells makes the California King resemble a baby's crib!

When it comes to comfort, size is important.

The average American is getting bigger and taller. That we require greater space while we sleep is not surprising. Many people choose to share a bed with their four-legged companions. And many people choose to co-sleep with their young children, or at the very least do so after a nightmare.

Your mattress' dimensions are crucial. Because of this, a lot more individuals than before choose significantly bigger beds. Matching the dimensions of your bedroom and mattress is crucial to your overall design.

The required minimum bedroom size for some of the most well-liked large mattresses is shown below:

California King Room Dimensions: 10 feet by 12 feet

Wyoming King Room Dimensions: 12 feet by 12 feet.

The Texas King Room Dimensions: 12 by 14 feet

Alaskan King Room Dimensions: 16 by 16 feet

The Family Bed Mattress Room Size: 16 feet x 16 feet

The Family Bed XL Mattress Room Size: 18 feet by 17 feet


No matter which type of mattress you select—memory foam, box spring-required, or hybrid—the majority of them include materials that relieve pressure and the proper level of support where the pressure areas on your body are most likely to occur.

You have the option of a hybrid mattress with individually pocketed steel coils that offer motion isolation or a natural latex mattress with excellent edge support. The characteristics that are accessible to those who desire a pillow-top mattress are also varied. Even some air mattresses these days have firmness settings that may be changed.

Check again to make sure it is adjustable.

The popularity of adjustable bed frames is undoubtedly rising. Please make sure you verify that your mattress will operate with an adjustable bed frame if you chance to be thinking about getting one. If you choose The Family Bed, you're already on your way to enjoying the comfort an adjustable base has to offer!

One last thing: The Family Bed by Taylor & Wells is one of the most popular mattresses for customers who desire a larger bed with extra length. It would be worthwhile to look into one if you've never seen one.


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Unveiling The Family Bed: America's Best Oversized Mattress!

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The Ultimate Comfort: Exploring the Benefits of The Family Bed - America's Largest Bed!

In the pursuit of a better night's sleep, size truly matters. When it comes to beds, bigger isn't just better; it's a game-changer. And at the forefront of this revolution in comfort is The Family Bed by Taylor & Wells. As we delve into the world of oversized beds, we'll uncover the multitude of reasons […]
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Does Size Matter When Sharing a Mattress?

When it comes to sharing a mattress with someone, size truly does matter! Nobody wants to feel cramped or uncomfortable while trying to get a good night's sleep. In this article, we will explore the importance of having a spacious mattress, like the Family Bed, and the benefits it brings to your sleep quality and […]
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